Tuesday Mar 07, 2023

Why You Damage Your Success and What You Can Do About it

Your unconscious behavior could be damaging your success. What unconscious behaviors are we talking about? What can you do about it? How can you protect your success, learn new strategies, and change your behavior?
For show notes, transcript, and more go to: www.whatsnext.com/16


Why you damage your success and what you can do about it. Hidden patterns of behavior learned in childhood are likely operating today. Unconsciously, of course. Your mind is like a tape recorder, recording every thought, feeling, and message from your caregivers when you were young. We're not judging here. Your caregivers (in most cases) were doing their best given the messages put in their heads by their caregivers. It's a chain. The psychologist Tabi Kahler discovered five patterns of behavior that people repeat when stressed. He coined the phrase, Drivers. The point is that when you get stressed, you can slip into solving problems the way you did when you were a child. Now you're an adult, those strategies no longer apply. It’s time to learn some new strategies.

Watch it on YouTube: https://youtu.be/x-n5e7SFNSA 


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