Inside-Out Career Design Podcast

In this show where we’re obsessed with answering a single question: Is it possible to create an authentic, meaningful, and fulfilling life you love while building a successful and rewarding career?

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Friday Dec 22, 2023

In this episode of "Inside-Out Career Design" hosts Nicola Vetter & Peter Axtell speak with Joshua Lisec
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You do not have forever. There is a window and there is a door. This door isn't just any door; it's a portal to the vast potential of What's Next. The unique opportunities that await you are just beyond its threshold. But, as with all things in life, this door won't remain open indefinitely.
It's like those self-closing doors in office buildings, equipped with a mechanism at the top. Once you push the door open — your What's Next Door — it allows passage. But this mechanism, designed like security doors in commercial spaces, won't keep the door open forever. It's a fleeting chance, a momentary opportunity. That door is closing either slowly or quickly but it’s closing.
Joshua Lisec, described as the #1 Ghostwriter in the world, certified hypnotist, master marketer, and one of the smartest people in the world today gives advice that is pure gold. Listen to every word.
So, the advice here is clear-cut and critical: seize the moment. Peek through this opening as swiftly as you can. Is there something on the other side that calls to you?
Because a time will come when the opportunity is no longer within reach, you might find yourself wishing for a second chance, but it's gone, leaving you with nothing but the hollow ache of regret. This may sound somewhat bleak, but it's based in realism…
There's a palpable urgency in pursuing your What's Next Moment. It's about exploring the possibilities, about contemplating what could be one, or even several, of your forthcoming chapters.
Hesitate, and the moment will pass. The door will close, and with it, those possibilities. Then, all that remains is the 'what could have been' — a path not taken. And that's a saddening thought, one we hope you never have to face.
So, embrace the moment, push open your What's Next Door, and step through before it swings shut. It's not just about avoiding regret; it's about embracing the potential for a fulfilling and vibrant future.
In our conversation, we talk about…
recognizing the impermanence of opportunities,
the risk of hesitation,
the advantages of writing a book, but not just any book, the right book and how that seeds authority in the marketplace,
why hypnowriting is a superpower,
and why hypnosis is so effective for lasting change.
For show notes and more go to:

Saturday Sep 23, 2023

On "Inside-Out Career Design" this week, hosts Nicola Vetter & Peter Axtell speak about
Manifesting True or False? Neuroscience meets Eastern wisdom to answer the question: Does Manifesting Work? We attempt to unravel the mystery of Dynamic Will Power, the Reticular Activating System, Visualization and Mantra, all combined to give you the best chance of manifesting what you want. Does it work? Use what we teach, and you be the judge.
Some questions we discuss for you to reflect on
What's your take on "Dynamic Will Power?" Ever heard of it before this episode?
Do you agree that neuroscience and spiritual concepts like manifesting can co-exist? Why or why not?
Which of the four practical steps—Intention, Power of Visualization, Mantras & Repetition, or Action—most resonated with you and why?
Did the scientific studies mentioned in the episode make the concepts more believable for you?
Have you ever tried using visualization to achieve a goal? Share your experience.
What's one thing you're going to immediately implement from this episode to kickstart your own manifestation journey?
Watch it on YouTube:
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Thursday Aug 17, 2023

On "Inside-Out Career Design" this week, hosts Nicola Vetter & Peter Axtell speak with Pat Flynn
Pure gold. Internet success guru Pat Flynn talks about business opportunities for people in midlife trying to figure out what's next in their life and career. Practical advice abounds from Pat's personal journey of being laid off from his dream career to becoming one of the most influential business teachers on the internet.
Do you want to know what's possible in midlife? Do you think you're too old? Think again. Pat elaborates on the advantages of being in midlife, the wisdom, experience, grit, and determination that people in midlife have to reinvent themselves and transform their lives. This is not theoretical advice. Pat teaches the how to. How with just 1000 true fans you can make a good living.
In our conversation, we talk about…
why there are so many opportunities for people in midlife who want to be entrepreneurs,
and how obstacles can be viewed as opportunities,
why starting out small just helping one or a few people solve a problem is a great way to get started,
how to test business ideas without putting your future, family, or finances at risk,
why empathy is a superpower for success,
why one of the most valuable skills to have for teaching is storytelling,
how having a side hustle being an entrepreneur can add more money for retirement,
and how having 1000 true fans can result in a six-figure income.
Watch it on YouTube:
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Friday Aug 11, 2023

On "Inside-Out Career Design" this week, hosts Nicola Vetter & Peter Axtell speak about
Self-confidence versus self-doubt and how to transform self-doubt into self-confidence which results in the superpower of self-belief. Who doesn't want that?
Learn specific, actionable strategies you can use to transform yourself into a self-confident, self-believing powerhouse.
Some questions we discuss for you to reflect on
What are the specific causes of self-doubt?
What has it cost you to staying stuck in self-doubt and doing nothing about it?
What specific things can you learn to change from a self-doubting person to a person who is authentically self-confident and has unshakeable self-belief?
Are you willing to do the hard, sometimes boring work that no one sees nor gives you applause for?
You want to be a person who has self-belief and is self-confident, don’t you?
You want to find out HOW to develop self-belief and self-confidence, don’t you?
Watch it on YouTube:
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Podcast: Inside-Out Career Design
LinkedIn Career Group:
FREE Live Workshops:
FREE Video Guide (10 video chapters + workbook): How to Overcome Fear and Anxiety in a Scary and Uncertain World
FREE Video Guide (7 video chapters + checklist): Step-by-Step Solutions to 7 Impossible Job Search Problems
Mini Course (7 video lessons + workbook): How to Find the Courage and Resources You Need to Create a Life and Career You Love
Self-Assessment: Discover what Motivates You from the Inside-Out

Thursday Aug 03, 2023

On "Inside-Out Career Design" this week, hosts Nicola Vetter & Peter Axtell speak with Adrian Salisbury
Adrian persevered in pursuit of his desire for freedom and to be of service to others. He proves that starting a YouTube channel is not only possible in midlife but profitable and fun.
If you think that you are too old to start a YouTube channel or it’s too late to pursue your dreams, this conversation will definitely change your perspective.
Prepare to be inspired and remember, your dreams are valid in midlife and beyond!
So, get ready, sit back, and enjoy the ride of this YouTuber success story, where midlife dreams truly come to life!
In our conversation, we talk about…
how a strong work ethic coupled with an unshakeable spiritual belief helped him persevere through some dark times on the way to success,
the back story of what it means to be an entrepreneur, the highs, lows, and plateaus,
how a chance advertisement on Facebook came at just the right time with the help he needed,
why it’s wise to stick with teachers you trust and not chase the next shiny object,
why it’s important to listen to messages coming from your intuition,
and the timeless lesson to be of service to people and not chase a quick buck if you want to be successful for the long term.
Watch it on YouTube:
For show notes and more go to:

Replace Limiting Beliefs Fast !

Thursday Jul 27, 2023

Thursday Jul 27, 2023

On "Inside-Out Career Design" this week, hosts Nicola Vetter & Peter Axtell speak about Limiting Beliefs
Uncover the proven neuroscience method of swapping limiting beliefs with empowering ones, using the Reticular Activating System (RAS) and the power of language. Learn to ditch words like "try" and "hope," that often lead to failure and doubt, and replace them with "do" and "intend" to change your reality. You don't need magic to make this transformation – just the right understanding and words!
Some questions for you to reflect on
What are the limiting beliefs that are holding you back from achieving your goals?
Have you ever considered how negative beliefs are formed in your mind?
How does the Reticular Activating System (RAS) in our brain influence our actions and reality?
How often do you use the words "try" and "hope" in your language, and have you ever thought about the unconscious implications these words might have?
Will you replace "try" and "hope" with "do" and "intend" to make your everyday language more powerful?
Have you noticed a difference in how you feel when you use the word "intend" instead of "hope"?
Are you ready to change your limiting beliefs to empowering ones using the process confirmed by neuroscience?
How can you apply the understanding of the RAS and the power of language to create a positive change in your reality?
Watch it on YouTube:
For show notes and more go to:
*↓↓↓ RESOURCES ↓↓↓*
FREE Live Workshops:
FREE Video Guide (10 video chapters + workbook):How to Overcome Fear and Anxiety in a Scary and Uncertain World:
FREE Video Course (7 video chapters + checklist):Step-by-Step Solutions to 7 Impossible Job Search Problems:
Mini Course (7 video lessons + workbook): How to Find the Courage and Resources You Need to Create a Life and Career You Love:
LinkedIn Career Group:

Thursday Jul 20, 2023

On "Inside-Out Career Design" this week, hosts Nicola Vetter & Peter Axtell speak with Lori Hammond
Hypnosis rocks! Why? Because tapping into the subconscious mind can redefine "what's next" in midlife. You already know that your limiting beliefs are keeping you stuck. The chatter in your head is so loud you can't hear valuable messages from your true inner voice. Hypnosis is a way to bypass the maniac in your head. It's a proven tool to access parts of your mind you can't reach in your usual conscious state. 
Your subconscious mind holds your secret desires you may not be aware of. And in this episode, Lori Hammond, an expert hypnotist, explains how hypnosis and future pacing can help you create the life you want. 
In our conversation, we talk about…
secrets and tips for answering the question "What's next?" in YOUR life,
how being in a trance state, stops overthinking long enough for positive suggestions to go in and start thinking about a new paradigm and a new way of showing up in the world,
why hypnosis is not strange or weird but a powerful tool for change,
the fact that most of our limiting beliefs were placed in our minds before age seven, and how to shatter them through hypnosis,
the power of her exercise called the Breakthrough Protocol,
and a special treat, she guides us through a hypnosis session that we can all do ourselves.
Watch it on YouTube:
For show notes and more go to:
*↓↓↓ RESOURCES ↓↓↓*
FREE Live Workshops:
FREE Video Guide (10 video chapters + workbook):How to Overcome Fear and Anxiety in a Scary and Uncertain World:
FREE Video Course (7 video chapters + checklist):Step-by-Step Solutions to 7 Impossible Job Search Problems:
Mini Course (7 video lessons + workbook): How to Find the Courage and Resources You Need to Create a Life and Career You Love:
LinkedIn Career Group:

Thursday Jul 06, 2023

On "Inside-Out Career Design" this week, hosts Nicola Vetter & Peter Axtell speak with Stephen Cope
Your purpose revealed! In our conversation, Stephen gives a masterclass on purpose, how to find it, and how to use it for a fulfilling life. Everyone has a unique purpose or calling that is seeking to be fulfilled. What you need is to learn how to find your purpose or calling. Stephen shares deep insights into this universal quest to find one's purpose. He shares practical advice that anyone can use.
In our conversation, we talk about…
how he came to realize what his calling is,
what the term dharma really means in today’s world and why it’s important,
why following what you’re meant to do in this world is the path to fulfillment,
the crucial difference between happiness and fulfillment,
how the idea of attunement to the still small voice is where true messages come from,
how it’s vital more than ever to nurture your connections,
and why living a disciplined, structured life is not constraining but an advantage.
Watch it on YouTube:
For show notes and more go to:

How to Master Your Energy

Friday Jun 30, 2023

Friday Jun 30, 2023

On "Inside-Out Career Design" this week, hosts Nicola Vetter & Peter Axtell speak about
…specific, actionable steps to improve your energy, optimism, well-being, and success. How to master your energy levels is the question of your life. Nothing happens without energy. Burnout is a real thing and is a result of depleted energy. Have you ever considered energy drains? They can be people, environments, your career, your lack of sleep, poor metabolic health, junk food, your mental state, or your emotional state. Start getting more energy today by using our suggested steps.
Some questions we discuss for you to reflect on
Do you think you can cure burn-out by just taking a vacation?
Do you think burnout is or is not a medical condition?
Have you ever considered an energy investigation to see what areas of your life are draining or filling your energy?
Have you ever made a list of people, environments, work, food, noise that are draining your energy?
Who are the people who fill you with energy?
What kind of work fills you with energy?
Have you ever tracked how well you sleep?
Have you ever connected your energy levels on a given day to optimism?
For show notes, transcript, and more go to:

Thursday Jun 08, 2023

On "Inside-Out Career Design" this week, hosts Nicola Vetter & Peter Axtell speak with Samantha Pilling
Do you have the spirit to be an entrepreneur? That's the first question because entrepreneurship is not for everyone. In our conversation, we dive into Samantha’s world, who is a marketer focusing only on Facebook Ads. Coming from a family of entrepreneurs, she knows the ups and downs of the entrepreneurial life. It's not easy but very rewarding if you have a thick skin, tenacity, and the willingness to learn. Samantha describes losing all her clients during the pandemic and then coming back stronger than ever. This is a story of courage, passion, skill, and resilience.
In our conversation, we talk about…
how one of her entrepreneurial efforts nearly burned her out,
how her business evaporated during the pandemic and what she did to bounce back,
what it takes to be an entrepreneur,
the ups and downs and mostly the joy and satisfaction of being your own boss,
why lifelong learning is essential to being a successful entrepreneur,
why having a loving supportive family helped her pivot and keep going.
 For show notes, transcript, and more go to:


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